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pack( ... )
Creates a table from the given parameters.

Returns a new table with all parameters stored sequentially into keys [1], [2], etc.

The table will also contain a member .n which specifies how many arguments were passed to pack(), including nil arguments. This can be used to detect the difference between an argument that was not passed at all and a nil value that was deliberately passed, since the # operator stops when it reaches a nil value.


tbl = pack(x, y, dx, dy)   -- returns {x, y, dx, dy}
print(#tbl)                -- prints "4"
print(tbl.n)               -- prints "4"

tbl = pack(x, y)           -- returns {x, y}
print(#tbl)                -- prints "2"
print(tbl.n)               -- prints "2"

tbl = pack(x, y, nil, nil) -- returns {x, y}
print(#tbl)                -- prints "2"
print(tbl.n)               -- prints "4"

 See also